online portfolio

Photoreporter in Timisoara, Romania

All Images © Seba Tataru +40 722.259.248 / No form of reproduction, including copying or saving of image files or the alteration or manipulation of image. / Toate imaginile sunt protejate de legea dreptului de autor, fara exceptie. Pentru preluarea imaginilor va rog sa ma contactati.


"Riana's 5th birthday" was my thesis, my project for the masters degree at the West University of Timisoara. It is a combination of Riana's drawings, her own world at the age of five and the photo story of her birthday. The images below represent the layout of the album which i presented as my final exam. All the images were taken on January 19th 2010 in Timisoara, Romania.

Riana's own writing and drawings of butterflies, hearts and queens.

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