Rusnac Toader
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides 30 june 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul
Rusnac Toader 83 years old, from Costeiu village, some 40 km east from Timisoara, is manually removing potato bugs. He says that he has been living bio all his life and he doesn't trust pesticides; June 30 2011. Sebastian Tataru/Adevarul